Sommelière Private Wine Tasting Tasting Menu Our Cookbook Order Wines

What's new: Wine for Christmas Wine Guide

Wine Tasting Programme

Enjoy a wine tasting accompanied by a harmonious tasting buffet in our wine studio: entertaining, relaxed, worth knowing, with lots of delicacies. We offer over 30 different topics, including Unusual wine countries, a Wine & Cheese tasting, Typical & Atypical German wines, a Surprise wine evening. Our wine tastings are held in German (therefore, we do not yet translate the evening summaries into English). Next year, wine tastings in English are planned.
Vegetarian, vegan, special diets are gladly taken into account!

Fr. 14. Februar, 19-21 Uhr: ÜBERRASCHUNGSWEINABEND (ausgebucht)
Sommelière-geführte Degustation aus acht Weinen plus leckerem Buffet. Zu jedem Überraschungsabend gibt es ein untypisches Thema außer der Reihe, welches bis zur Verkostung geheim bleibt.
Die Veranstaltung ist leider bereits völlig ausgebucht!

Sommelière-geführte Degustation aus acht französischen Weinen verschiedener Regionen und dazu französische Speisen im Bistro-Stil.
Die Veranstaltung ist leider bereits völlig ausgebucht!

Do. 20. Februar, 19-21 Uhr: DOLCE VITA: WEINGENUSS AUS ITALIEN (49 € p.P.)
Fr. 21. Februar, 19-21 Uhr: ALLES IN WEIß (59 € p.P.)
further programme

Reservations on 23 57 36 16, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., directly in the store or here on our website. The ordering process takes place via our partner “Konfetti”.
Tip1: Give away wine evening vouchers!
Tip 2: Order an individual wine evening for your friends / family or as a company event / company Christmas party!




You haven't experienced this yet!
We would be happy to organize a private wine tasting for you in our wine studio (up to 16 people) or at your home (1 to 20 people). We discuss the topic, wines and menu individually in preparation.

You will be surprised at how exciting, relaxed and passionate a wine tasting can be!

Private Wine Tasting


Here is an example: "Red Classics" wine tasting for 2 people in our wine studio, duration 1.5 hours, 79€ p.P.

1. Appassimento Negroamaro Passito 2016 (Italy)
2. Médoc Cru Bourgeois 2015 (France)
3. Rioja Reserva 2012 (Spain)
4. Zvari 2009 (Georgia)
5. Amarone Classico 2013 (Italy)
in addition:
selection of mini wraps; rocket-tomato-parmesan; chicken skewers yakitori; fruit plate; ciabatta & olives





Many of our salads, snacks, spreads, cold roasts, finger foods, antipasti, pastries and desserts have become popular specialties. That's why the DeliKater cookbook as printed Edition (10 €) or as a PDF file (8 €) is now available to everyone! Please order under
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Our Cookbook

Order Wines


Our wines come from all classic growing regions as well as from more unusual wine countries: Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Denmark, Lebanon, Uruguay, China etc.

You are welcome to arrange a store visit with a wine tasting.

Find your own individual wines:
The DeliKater range consists of around 250 cleverly selected wines that are fine and affordable at the same time.

Call or write to us and order your wines: +49 30 23573616 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We deliver free of charge in Berlin and the surrounding area for purchases of €100 or more. We also ship free of charge within Germany for purchases of €200 or more.